Sunday, December 14, 2008

Skipping Church for a Snowday

We skipped church this morning to go play in the snow and I have to admit we did sleep in a little.  The weathermen reported that snow was coming and this time they were  right!

Mom Spent her Snowday taking care of the small children inside and getting them bundled up for the cold weather.

Eric, Penelope, Dad, Eden and Ireland posing for a picture.


Penelope's first Snow experience.

Crawling Penelope

Penelope has mastered the army crawl. All of a sudden her world is much larger.

Thanksgiving at the Braddocks, with Grammy and Grampa

We spent Thanksgiving with Eric's folks in Pasco, WA. We got to hang out with Jenny and our 4  nephews. Much fun and food was had by all.

Penelope meets her new cousin Forest

Hi Ho Cherry-O, Gavin won every round. I think the secret is not wearing a shirt.

Penelope with her pretty blue eyes, don't bother her she's watching football

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cousins' Closet...Congratulations!

I'd like to congratulate Becky Bunch and Sarah Thompson and they're families on their amazing consignment sale.  It turned out great and they've still got another day. They've been blessed, but I think it's even bigger than they imagined.  Good luck tomorrow ladies! They ended up having a news crew there at the sale today and Penelope ended up being on the news this evening.  She's our little celeb now.  Becky and Mike posted the clip on their blog "theBunchBunch" if you want to take have a look-see. Thanks Mike and Becky!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch with Penelope

We went to our first pumpkin patch as a family Saturday.
We met up with our friends, the Bordens and the Parkers.
The sweet kids dressed up. Penelope was a frog and the other little girls were ladybugs.
It was a brisk day and all the kids missed their naps, but amazingly there were no tantrums (not children or adults).  Chili dogs, curly fries and apple cider slushies never tasted so good.  At times I look forward to Penelope walking and talking, then I see the other small children doing these activities (although very well behaved) and I think, I should really enjoy every minute of Penelope's immobility. 

The perfect moms picture; always something going on.
Courtney with Braelee, Penelope and I, and Kristen with Wren.

The frog was very tired and still put up with our antics.

The spoils. Good work Jeff.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rolling Over From Back to Front!

Penelope rolled over from her back to her front for the first time last week.  This is some video from today of her showing off her multitasking of sucking her fingers and rolling over too.

Ode To Uncle Gabe!

Look at me, I'm just like my Uncle Gabe!
I suck on my middle fingers too and like my mommy, I suck my thumb.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Go Beavs! Go WYO! & Visits

Grandpa and Grammy for a Visit

Relaxin' with Grandpa Rick.

Gettin' loves from Grammy.

Having a wonderful time.

Shelby and Syd came for a visit 2 weekends ago. They went to church with us and then came over for lunch and some relaxing Sunday events.
Sydney wanted to hold here cousin Penelope...

then Sydney decided she didn't want to. 
(But look at how composed Sydney is staying, I think she's learned it from her cousin Max :)

She curled up next to Eric and played her Nintendo...aah how cute.

Go BEAVS!  Go WYO (Wyoming)!
We are starting Penelope early on her college football scene.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Some More of Penelope!

Smiling at Mommy!

Getting warm to go on a walk with Mommy and Daddy!

"No, pictures" (I think sometimes she feels like we are the paparazzi).

Caution: This video clip is only 3 seconds long, but may cause dizziness!
We are not responsible for any harm to ones self due to the contents of this clip.

Penelope has enjoyed the swing in her short life, yet has just finally felt comfortable enough (I believe due to the thumb sucking) to fall a sleep in it.
(She woke up right after this footage was filmed.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cute pictures of Miss Penelope

Penelope and I got dressed up to go on a date with Eric.
Cute sweater outfit thanks to Uncle Gabe and Aunt Lyndsay!
Penelope's tired, can you tell?
Penelope rolled over for the first time on Saturday!
She starts on her belly and then can roll all the way onto her back.  She's still working on back to front, but getting close.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Penelope meets Mae Borges

Mae, keep your hands to yourself. :)

Ang and Penelope

Holding hands...cute!

Mae finding her new friend.

Penelope and I were lucky to get to meet our little friend Mae for the first time last Friday.  She is so cute and I know Penelope had fun with her.   Ang and I had a great time sharing with one another about our babies and found out that they are a lot alike.  I also took a quiz about Penelope from the book, The Baby Whisperer, she is touchy and spirited.  

For those of you that don't know, Angela is one of my best friends from college.  We lived in the same hall in the dorms, were RA's together in college, both graduated with education degrees from Western Baptist (now Corban), were in each others weddings 2 months apart and now had our first baby girls 5 days apart.  Now we both get to be homemakers and take care of our families together.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bringing Penelope into the World

6 lbs. 12oz. 21 inches

Nana & Papa

Grammy & Grandpa

Our Family

Mommy and Daughter

Daddy cutting the umbilical cord.

Sweet Penelope Rose's first appearance.

~Labor and Deliver ~
Eric and I had a very blessed experience laboring for our little Penelope.  As many of you know we were unsure of the gender and were very excited the moment she appeared in the world to find a girl.  Penelope was really the only name that we had both agreed on before hand (an awkward boy name).  
Husband Coached Child Birth was the method that we used to have Penelope naturally.  All the woman that I talked with before hand about natural child-birth said that it was difficult, but soon afterward the pain is gone when the beautiful baby arrives.  It's true too!  We were overwhelmed with joy after having our baby girl.  We will definitely do it again!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our First Blog

Well, we have officially hopped on the blog-wagon!  We've decided like many of you that this is a great way to update everyone (assuming that anyone is interested) on our life as a new family.  Who knows though, it may just be a realization of how boring we truly are.  
We are made up of parents, Eric and Katie, and currently one child, Penelope Rose.  Penelope is a very new child and we are really enjoying finding out all of the things that we really don't know, which is a lot being a new parent.  It truly is amazing that any of us make it into adulthood.