Monday, June 21, 2010

Daphne's First Intentional Food

Daphne had her first bites of cereal a couple of weeks ago. I say her first bites of intentional food because when she was about 2 weeks old I came into the living room to find that Penelope, the sweet big sister that she is, was sharing her goldfish. To my knowledge Daphne hasn't had another other food since.

Here she is waiting in anticipation.
She did well...honestly, I think she was hoping for more goldfish.


Amy Hall said...

She has the sweetest eyes! :)
I am currently trying to transition Noah to cow's milk...he is not loving it so much.

Jeremy said...

I tried to feed V some goldfish today and it didn't work as well as I'd hoped. You didn't tell me whether or not she enjoyed the goldfish. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Stacey said...

Ha, I love the top photo of Daphne. She looks so bored with life at such a young age. "Take my photo? Sigh! If you must...." Cutie pie!